2025 Heineken Roeivierkamp – Men’s Junior Quad Preview
Image Credit: fransmartens1 The junior quad is the most popular and prestigious event for young athletes at the Heineken Roeivierkamp. For over three years, it
Image Credit: fransmartens1 The junior quad is the most popular and prestigious event for young athletes at the Heineken Roeivierkamp. For over three years, it
Images by fransmartens1 After two races in the 2025 first-year ranking, it’s Nereus that leads with two wins. Tied in second place are Njord and Skoll.
Images by fransmartens1 The intermediate men at the Heineken Roeivierkamp always deliver strong racing, with the winners often competing closely with the elite men. This
Images by fransmartens1 For over 50 years, the Heineken Roeivierkamp has hosted international racing, and this year will be no different, as many of the Paris
Photo credit: Daniel Korvermaker The first race of 2025 occurred in Delft, a student city dedicated to technology and engineering. Proteus-Eretes organized the Van Oord
As the fireworks settle down, the top universities and clubs will be thinking about their last bit of winter training before the racing season begins.
Photo credit: Jonathan Ogilvie Fotografie The Early Rounds The day started off with a time trial and in similar fashion to last year, Skoll finished
Image Credit: Cas Haasdijk Ver voor de rest van de wereld is Nederland klaar om het seizoen 24/25 af te trappen in het hart van Amsterdam,
Image Credit: Cas Haasdijk Well ahead of the rest of the world, the Netherlands is ready to kickstart the 24/25 season in the centre of