Durham Small Boats Head – Junior Men’s Preview

As I write this, it is coming towards the end of January, and the weather is distinctly feeling more spring-like by the day, which can mean only one thing: the racing season will imminently resume, with schools and clubs refocused after a long couple of months, which, if success is desired, will have resulted in long hours on the erg, lots of weights lifted in gym, as well as hopefully some technical improvements on the water, if the weather allowed this. In the Northern region, racing began last weekend, at Tyne New Year’s Head, where Durham University Boat Club took most of the honours, thanks to a heavily depleted Newcastle entry, however this has left the Durham University colleges and local clubs to battle it out for honours at Durham Small Boats Head, which, with the treacherous Elvet Bridge, as well as a yellow wind warning, it will be a highly challenging day of racing, even with a distinctly short 1800m course.

J18 4x-

With the four divisions during the day, with boats being able to race in any division, there are five J18 quads racing over the course of the day. In the first division Durham School Boat Club are the sole J18 quad entry. They do have a big home advantage, however they do have a lot of time to make up after their Rutherford performance, and with Norman racing the single in this division, and I do not expect them to be vying for contention for the win. In division 3, Queen Elizabeth High School and George Heriots School both take to the water. For QEHS, after a disappointing result at Rutherford, they have a lot to make up for here, as for George Heriots, they are somewhat of an unknown quantity to the northern crews, as there is little quantifiable data to go with them. In the final division, Yarm School Boat Club and Chester-Le-Street ARC fight it out. The winner will be one of these two clubs. At Rutherford, CLS got the better of Yarm whilst in a composite with George Watsons’ College, however without the two athletes from GWC, Yarm have the ability to just about pip them here, if they have a decent race.

J18 2x

Only four entries here and a distinct lack of data on all combinations. The composite between Yarm School and Durham ARC appears to be the strongest; with both members of this crew are good scullers, with good trials results. The other three boats do not seem to have any outstanding experience, so this should be an easy win foe the composite.

J18 1x

The three main competitors for this are Morris from Durham ARC, Norton from YSBC and Jones from QEHS. All three of these athletes competed at Early IDs, with the ranking of Jones, Morris then Norton. On home water, and with the benefit of plenty of pieces with DUBC on the weir, Morris does have an advantage; however, Jones still has raw speed. Will the short course benefit the lightweight from Yarm? Or will long distance speed convert into short distance success?

Best of luck to everyone racing, if the weather stays you will need it!


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