Fours Head of the River 2019 – Open Junior/ Schools Coxed Fours Band 1

The first tideway head in the big boats is upon us, with several hundred crews now in the last stages of preparation for a 6.8 km battle down the championship course from Chiswick to Putney. There are eight boats from six schools entered into Band 1 of the Schools Coxed Fours and this year it looks like some of the top Junior Men’s crews have decided to race the coxed, rather than coxless, event, making this likely to be both very hard fought, and exciting.

St Paul’s

After several momentous and extremely successful seasons under the helm of Bobby Thatcher and his excellent assistant coaches, St Paul’s are very much the big name on campus of the junior rowing scene at the moment and have chosen their top four to race in this event. Stroked by the seven seat of last year’s NSR winning eight in Dom Valt, this crew is going to be the one to look out for, and are likely to be aiming to set a blistering pace down the course and blow their competition away.


Westminster have had a few fairly rocky seasons, managing only a win in the B Final of Champ Eights back at NSR and a loss on the Thursday of Henley, with the coaches seemingly unsure whether to focus on the sweep or sculling boats. They have decided to enter two fours into Band 1 of the coxed boats, but interestingly it appears their top four athletes are in a quad, making these two crews likely to be composed of a mix of first and second eight rowers. Although they’re certain to put down a quick time, I don’t think either boat will be a match for the technical prowess and brute force of St Paul’s.


Shrewsbury, like Westminster, have also decided to enter two fours into Band 1, but it appears that they will be composed of the top eight athletes and two coxes from their senior squad. Shrewsbury have also had a bit of a downturn in the last couple of years- not producing any particular performances of note. But, having said that, they did pick up 4th in Champ Eights at National School’s this year, as well as making the Friday of Henley. However, I’m still not sure they’ll be able to challenge a fast St Paul’s four on its home stretch.


It looks like Radley have entered their top crew into this event, with Alex Senior in the driving seat. Senior was the six man of Radley’s NSR Bronze medal winning eight last season, and will almost certainly be stroking a boat of experienced J18 oarsmen. Although Radley do not always have a reputation of attaining good results in the early season, if anyone can challenge St Paul’s grip on this category it is probably likely to be in the form of this crew.

King’s College School

KCS have entered their second four into the coxed, with their top four athletes heading down the track in a coxless boat. However, despite racing on home water, I think they’re unlikely to be challenging the likes of St Paul’s and Radley for a medal.

Latymer Upper

Latymer have often been a club on the cusp between Champ Eight and Child Beale level, and this certainly showed at National School’s in May, when they placed 7th in the B Final in the eight. I think this illustrates that despite their entry being comprised of their top four athletes, they’re probably not going to be at the top end of the results.


I’m expecting St Paul’s to take a commanding win over the rest of the Band 1 pack, followed by Radley, and then probably Shrewsbury and Westminster not far behind that, with Latymer, KCS and the 2nd boats scrapping it out for the lower places.


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