Henley Royal Regatta 2024 – The Temple Challenge Cup, Tuesday Briefing


Imperial College London v Newcastle University

After a disappointing qualifiers for Newcastle, with only one representation making it into the Temple, it’s safe to say that the hopes of the Blue Star lie on the shoulders of this crew. Immediately off the start the crews were close, both literally and figuratively, and rating high as they came off the island but Newcastle clinched the early lead and by the quarter mile they were half a length up. Newcastle were steady throughout, with their rate not going above 36 through the tough part of the race and they executed their race plan with precision. By the enclosures, Imperial threw everything they had at the finish, making up some distance and reduced Newcastle’s lead to half a length. It was ultimately victory for the Blue star and they crossed the line two thirds of a length up, but perhaps a little closer to their competition than they may have liked. 

Bristol University v K.S.R.V Njord, The Netherlands

This was one of the best races of the day, with Bristol managing to row through their opponents. An excellent example of how to keep your head in the face of adversity Bristol came from behind to win with the distance of a length. Njord went off the start hard and tried to get ahead of the race by taking an early lead off the island and through until the Fawley marker, where Bristol mounted their attack. Bristol have had a brilliant few years, with their notable wins at BUCS Regatta in 2022 and this programme has burst back onto the scene with a vengeance. The rest of the week will really show everyone what they are capable of, but early on they have illustrated they are confident and that they know exactly how to race on their own terms. 

University of London v Cornell University, USA

It was immediately a tight race from the moment the flag was dropped at the start, one of the final races of the day meaning a long build up for these crews and they both jumped off the blocks. It was UL that got that all too crucial lead coming through Fawley but Cornell stayed in touch and started clawing back as best they could and had the slightly lower rate. UL were putting everything they had into this race and as one of the premier rowing programmes in the UK the spectators would be expecting nothing less, and they held onto their two thirds of a length lead as they came through the enclosures. We saw exactly what is expected of Henley Royal Regatta in this race, two of the best crews in the world cranking the rate right up to cross the finish line in style. It was the UL crew that were triumphant, but not without a tough fight from the Americans. 


Newcastle University v Princeton University ‘A’, USA

Having already beaten a crew from the north of England in this regatta, the Princeton ‘A’ crew set their sights on Newcastle. But with the showing from Blue Star today, in their very well executed race against Imperial College I wouldn’t count out this crew just yet. With an excellent head season behind them and a legacy that is undeniable, they need to be able to capture what they had earlier this year in order to overturn this formidable Princeton crew. This will be a one to watch for sure. 

Laga ‘B’, The Netherlands v Oxford Brookes University BC ‘B’ 

Its a match up of the B boats in this quarter final of the coveted Temple category, with two second crews from arguably the top rowing universities at the moment. A battle of crews who have something to prove, underdogs in their own universities and now being given the time to shine. Laga have been one of the top performing Dutch universities across the season, and Brookes need no introduction, with their A boat being one of the favourites to win the whole event. Push comes to shove I back the Brookes crew to bring home the win, but in this battle of the ‘B’s anything could happen.

Harvard University, USA v La Salle University, USA 

It is a story of lightweight versus heavyweight in this all-American quarter final on Thursday. La Salle’s four in the Prince Albert had a great race, which ended up as a tough loss against Edinburgh but they showed the spectators that they certainly have potential as a club. Their eight also had a good day, with their race against Birmingham race setting them up very well for the rest of the week. Of course Harvard will be a boat full of talent and they also had an easier day, with their race against St Edwards school going the way most will have expected. When it comes down to this side by side match up, it seems hard not to predict that the lighties from Harvard will take the win and move on to the next round. 

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