Henley Women’s Regatta 2022 – Aspirational Academic Fours, Friday  

The other exclusively academic event at Henley Women’s, this category had a slightly better ratio with 12 spots in the heats and 15 boats entered. This entry list was a real who’s who of the top sweeping universities. Four crews got a ticket straight to the quarter finals tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see if there will be any upsets caused because of this. 

Imperial College London vs Sheffield University

Imperial have done exceptionally well over the past few years, and this boat was no exception. Of course, we don’t know the exact qualifying times but these crews seemed very evenly matched. They were neck and neck up until the barrier, where Imperial started to inch ahead. Sheffield held on and stayed within touching distance up until the line. 

Newcastle University vs Aberdeen University/Robert Gordon Uni 

Both of these institutions have a good sweeping reputation and Aberdeen have been on the up and up in recent years. That being said, it was Newcastle that led from the beginning of the race but it wasn’t a walk over and Aberdeen stayed within a length’s distance until the half way marker and then Newcastle pulled away. 

Oxford Brookes vs Glasgow Academy/Glasgow Uni

This race did not take place, as immediately off the start there was a clash that resulted in a paddle down the course for both crews and a disqualification for the Glasgow composite. 

Liverpool University vs K S R V Njord (NED)

Liverpool did well to push this dutch crew from the start, but as temple island moved away from them, so did Njord. The crew from the Netherlands proved why they had made the trip and were already a length ahead by the barrier. They continued this lead and rowed over the line first. 

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