Junior Rowing Results Writer Needed!

The Junior Rowing Results page has been a valuable addition to our website since its introduction in 2015. Our current writer, who publishes the results for all the major races directly onto our platform, is stepping down and so we are looking for a new person to fill that gap.


There are plenty of athletes out there who compile the results from races across the country and we want you to share your work with the wider rowing community. You’d be a fully integrated member of our team, with the same opportunities as our current crop of writers. We’d need results for the major races shortly after the day of the event (full details tbc) and you would need to be able to transfer them across to our WordPress platform. We can get the previous author to help you with the transition if necessary.


Please send confirmation of interest and a short explanation of why you’d be suited to this role to juniorrowingwordpress@gmail.com


The Junior Rowing Results page can be found here


The deadline for applications is 6pm on Monday 16th October 2017.

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