Pairs Head 2015 – WJ16 2x

Among the 23 entries in the WJ162x event are some already very established and talented rowers and crews that will create a difficult battle for the first few positions. This early in the season for J16 crews lends an exciting amount of unpredictability and a chance to expose some new competitors from any of the 14 clubs who have entered.

Trentham BC- O Dunne/Hallsworth
This is the combination that took silver at the past National Schools Regatta in the J15 girl’s double. They also placed third at the 2015 British Rowing Junior Championships. It is easy to see them putting in a great performance, and I’d expect them to be pushing for the top spot in this category.
Maidenhead- Harris/Tomasik, Antioco/Harris
The two entries that Maidenhead has put forth in the double both include a “Harris”, making it hard to figure out exactly which girls are in which boats. Tomasik and Anticoco were together in the J15 girl’s coxed quad which took silver and the J15 girl’s coxed four which took gold at nationals this year. Coxing them in the four was L.Harris, who also rowed the J14 girl’s coxed quad to silver. R.Harris was in the J15 girl’s coxed quad that took silver with Tomasik and Antioco in addition to a J15 girl’s double which took bronze, all at nationals. My overall impression is that Maidenhead has a lot of depth among these girls so both boats should do well, but I think the faster boat will be the one with R.Harris, because she has had a national medal in the double and is a true J16 unlike J15 L.Harris.
Globe- McIntosh/Laukyte
This is the combination that managed a forth place result at nationals this year in the J15 girl’s double. This crew also raced the A final of the 2015 British Rowing Junior Championships, but were 12 seconds off the Trentham double. They were about six seconds off the Trentham double and the Maidenhead double in the final of NSR so I think they aren’t quite up to winning speed but they have the potential to place solidly in this race and maybe challenge one of the Maidenhead crews.
Henley- Jonsson/Orr
It’s easy to say these girls are the favorites in this field. Orr is a very accomplished rower, some accolades including a gold at JIRR 2015 in the WJ15 single, gold at nationals in the J15 women’s eight, and first place at WLDS this season in the WJ16 single (with an incredible time). Jonsson is a fantastic sculler as well, rowing in the same boats as Orr at nationals even if she has less extensive small sculling boats experience. The other Henley double deserves a very notable mention with both Robinson Ranger and Wright in the winning national Henley J16 eight. These two girls placed excellently at the recent Wallingford LDS with 2nd and 4th place results in singles. Henley should certainly see a good amount of success at Pairs Head this year; but sure to be leading the pack will be Jonsson/Orr.

1st place: HEN- Jonsson/Orr
2nd place: STK- O Dunne/Hallsworth
3rd place: MHD- boat with “R.Harris”

The other Maidenhead and Henley boats shouldn’t be too far off in speed from their top boats given the depth of these clubs and the fact they may be seat racing somewhat matched boats for now. I am also optimistic for Globe to establish themselves somewhere in the mix. I wouldn’t be surprised to see good performances from smaller clubs with stacked boats and bigger clubs like LEH and Abingdon as they experiment and seat race with double sculls, which are not traditionally their strength but are useful this early on in the season.

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