Vesta Scullers Head 2019 – Men’s J18 Singles

Having been cancelled last year due to high winds, Vesta Scullers Head, the biggest singles race in the UK, is back for 2019. Founded in 1954, this race will see over 500 single scullers race down the traditional 6.8km course from the University Stone in Mortlake to Putney Pier, on the ebb tide. Scullers Head is the final tideway head of 2019, with it being the last chance for these juniors to show their pace in the smallest boat category, before heading away for the Christmas break. Many of these athletes will be going back into the bigger boats after Christmas, as both School’s and Men’s Heads loom in the Spring. This year, the Men’s J18 Category has attracted 22 entries, from 10 different schools and clubs – so it should be a cracker of a race.

Tideway Scullers

TSS have put two entries into the J18 Single’s- both of whom appear to be J17s. However, Finn Regan and Gabriele Woolmer have some serious pedigree behind them. They were both part of the extremely successful TSS J16 Quad which swept the board last season- winning the gold at National Schools’ and also qualifying for, and winning, the J16 GB vs France match. Gabriele Woolmer did alright at GB EIDs a couple of weeks ago, placing 81st, but I’m not sure whether either of them will be able to keep up with the strength and power of some of the other entries, who are a year older than them.

Norwich Rowing Club

Norwich RC, as opposed to Norwich School – are a club we don’t hear about an awful lot. However, they have entered one athlete – who clearly looks quite promising. Rowan Baker was Norwich Rowing Club’s sole National School’s entry this year, placing 4th in the D-Final of Champ Singles. Since then, though, he’s clearly picked up some speed and came 34th in the single at EIDs – making him a good contender, if not an outsider, in this race.

Shiplake College

Shiplake have put in a very strong entry of Frederico Focosi, Rob Humphris and Rhys Ash. Focosi was a stalwart of the Shiplake 2nd 8+ last year, sitting in the stroke seat- but I don’t think he’ll be as good a sculler as his teammates. Ash, on the other hand, has a pretty distinguished junior rowing career behind him, as 7 Seat of the 2018/19 1st 8+, as well as gaining a GB vs France vest in 2018, a Munich Junior Regatta GB vest back in May, and racing at Coupe de la Jeunesse over the summer. He should be quick, and will certainly be a contender for the top spots. Humphris is a rising talent at Shiplake, as a J17 who did exceptionally well at EIDs, coming 11th– making him another a very strong challenger for the win in this category.

King’s College School

King’s have put in a bumper entry of 7 athletes in singles – but I will only focus on the top couple of guys. Their fastest sculler is probably Calum Betteley, a member of last year’s 1st 8+ who raced at EIDs, coming an impressive 16th, and with the added benefit of home water he should do pretty well. George Thompson is also entered, the bow seat of that eight who also did well at EIDs with a 33rd place finish. Other than these two GB triallists, there are another two guys from last seasons 1st 8+, in the form of Pearson and Gugelmann, but I think Betteley will probably be the quickest of the 7 entries.

St Paul’s

Not much needs to be said about St Paul’s grip on the junior rowing scene, and they have entered one of their top guys in Dom Valt. His rowing accolades include gold at NSR this year in the Champ 8+, a GB vs France vest in 2018, and a seat in the pair at Coupe over the summer, not to mention he won this event as a J16. At EIDs he placed 17th – but as a more a more natural sweep rower he’ll be aiming for the Junior World’s this season. Valt is definitely a top contender- but going by trials results he may not quite be the fastest.

Star & Arrow

As Leander’s junior wing, Star and Arrow always produce fantastic athletes, and this entry is no exception. Joe Willis is an exceptional sculler- as an NSR silver medalist and a Fawley 2019 semi-finalist in the Leander B quad, as well as racing for GB in the quad at the Coupe de la Jeunesse. He is certainly one of, if not the, favourite for this category. They have also entered Hewitt– but I don’t know much about him and either way I think Willis will be quicker.

Other entries

Outside of those mentioned above, Dulwich have entered one sculler in Tom Kuijlaars, Globe have entered one in Hughes, and the American School in London have also sent an athlete to race. Finally, Norwich School have sent three guys, but as I’ve said- I don’t think any of these other scullers are likely to do particularly well.


This is really hard to call, but I’m backing Rob Humphris to take the win, with Joe Willis, Dom Valt, Callum Betteley, and perhaps Rhys Ash, scrapping it out for the other places.


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