Wallingford Long Distance Sculls 2021- Jun 4x

The first Head race of the season to feature crew boats,Wallingford LDS is the first of two events to run the 4250m Wallingford course from just above Brunel Bridge to just past Oxford University Boat Club. A small entry for J18 quads sees only six crews entered from four clubs.

St Paul’s School Boat Club

With only the bow seat of each crew available it’s hard to exactly predict how fast a crew will be. After the heights of a Henley final the club is starting off the season in sculling boats with three quads entered. Langer was a member of the club’s 3rd eight last season, Russell of the J16 1st VIII and Sebastian of the club’s 1st VIII. I would expect the Sebastian crew to be the fastest. 

Henley Rowing Club

Hutchins was a member of the clubs 1st quad that came 4th at Nat Schools and reached the Thursday at HRR. With three of that crew being J17’s this crew could be similar to that successful one meaning they are the most experienced, and probably the fastest, crew entered.

Magdalen College School Boat Club 

This crew has James-Lee as a bowman who was a member of the clubs J16 2nd 4x at Nat Schools which came 6th overall. The club also has a number of quads entered into the open quad event along with St Pauls.

Pangbourne College Boat Club

Robson raced in the clubs 1st VII at Nat Schools last year where they placed 15th overall. If other members of that boat are also in this crew i think it could expect to come in the top three.


1st – Henley Rowing Club

2nd – St Pauls (Sebastian)

3rd – Pangbourne College Boatclub

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