Wansbeck LDS 2019 – Junior Men’s Preview

We are now coming towards the end of the Northern Rowing Series, and we move to Cambois Rowing Club, for Wansbeck Long Distance Sculls. This is one of the shorter courses of the series -3500m- only trumped by the finale in Durham next week. Many will be using these events to build into fours head before the end of the month, whereas there are many juniors racing singles in preparation for Early IDs. Either way, there will competitive racing over a course, which will test crews over the narrows and shallows.

Junior Men’s Quads

Only three entries here, which is unusual but reflects the location and length of the curse. There is only one J18 quad, from George Watson’s College, however they will be competing against J17 quads from GWC, as well as St Leonard’s School. At Tyne, as well as Tees, St Leonard’s won the J17 quad event, however, George Watson’s College won J16 quads at Tees in a faster time, implying that SLS will be the crew lagging behind here, and there will be an internal battle for first between the two George Watson’s crews.

Junior Men’s Doubles

In this event, there is one J17 double, and six J16 doubles. In J16 doubles, there will be some good competition, however I do not know exact crew make up so it is difficult to say who will be where. GWC have entered a J16 double, and with the pedigree and resources they have, one would expect them to try to dominate his event. Saying this, it looks like no club has put their top athletes inn this boat, so it really is wide open

Junior Men’s Singles

Five entries in J18 singles, and one in J17 singles here will make some good racing. The favourite for J18 singles must be Roman Bowery from Chester-Le-Street ARC. Although a J17, having just finished a GB potential camp, and with speed previously to back this up, he deservedly gains favourite title. Looking to challenge him will mainly be Adam Morris from Durham ARC, who has gaining speed over the past year, and seems to be in good place to challenge him over the 3500m. There are three entries from Tyne ARC, and I expect Cleugh from CLS to challenge these three, as he is another fast J17 from CLS, especially with having the credit of winning the B final in Champ Quads as a J16.


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