Why college rowing prepares you for anything

There is not much synergy between 6 am outings and a student lifestyle. That’s why it’s surprising that rowing is such a popular college sport at Oxford and Cambridge. Ask anyone their reason for joining a club and every answer will be different. College rowing is versatile, and the skills it teaches you are applicable to most situations. Every aspect shapes you.

The 2k test

A lot of people start rowing at Oxford, so the 2k test is generally a new concept. It tests your limits in a manner that nothing else at university can.

Universities are full of people who attempt to exceed their mental and physical limitations on a regular basis. Therefore, the 2k test creates the perfect environment for an ambitious student pushing to be their best.

And in such a pressurised university environment, rowing can be the outlet. It encourages a balanced lifestyle, moving your body, and leaving the stresses of work at the desk.

Novice rowers often get thrown in at the deep end before they realise what they’ve signed up for, though perhaps ignorance is bliss here!

One highlight is bonding with your team while shouting at whoever is completing their 2k, or at the mandatory pub trip after. It is a unique experience with unexpected benefits.

The crew date

If you want to experience the culture of college rowing in its purest form, attend a crewdate. Two college clubs spend an evening completing challenges and socialising.

A crewdate forces you to be confident about who you are and what you say. Having to recite song lyrics in the middle of a restaurant takes you beyond your comfort zone. It also allows you to get to know your teammates faster than any other social activity.

Confidence is fundamental to college rowing. Despite there being some debate regarding rowers’ arrogance, overall, instilling confidence prepares rowers for everyday challenges. 

The committee

As a new member of the committee for my college boat club, I feel like I’ve discovered a whole new aspect of college rowing. During the last committee meeting, we spent an hour and a half discussing amendments to the club’s constitution while our secretary took minutes. It resembled a parliamentary debate.

The internal politics of college rowing is complicated. 19-year-olds being given responsibility over £30,000 boats can create tension, so most clubs have a committee that acts like a miniature democracy to solve this. Skills in problem solving and mediating are necessary to join. You only have to visit OxRow’s Facebook page to see that college rowing is more than just sitting in a boat. 

The ups and downs of college rowing are not for the fainthearted. However, it is true that college rowing prepares you for anything. Determination and perseverance are central. The culture appeals to the ambition and ego of many Oxford students, resulting in a passion for the sport. 

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