Write for JRN 2017/18

After a hugely successful year for everyone here at JRN, we’re beginning the recruitment process for next year’s team.

This season, our writers produced some of the best content the website has ever seen. In addition, we were involved in running press operations at the Oxford Cambridge Boat Race and Henley Royal Regatta, got access to free kit, interviewed some of the biggest names on the junior rowing circuit and met some of the world’s foremost rowers. The opportunity to write for JRN also looks fantastic on your CV. As the website continues to grow, these unique benefits will expand accordingly.

Does this sound like a good opportunity?

If so, please send a brief covering letter and CV to juniorrowingnews@gmail.com. We will review your application from there.

Articles will be assigned monthly and will be tailored to each writer i.e. our editors understand that everyone has other commitments and so you can write as frequently as you choose. The more articles you are willing to write, the more you will gain from this experience.

The deadline for applications is Friday 28th July at 6pm. 

Thank you for your time and continued support.

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